who we are

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Mission, values, principles and vision. Strategic plan[editar]

Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) is an intercultural, non-profit social organisation that has been working for more than 40 years for the promotion and equal opportunities of Roma in Spain and Europe.

The mission. The meaning and purpose of our activity

The mission of Fundación Secretariado Gitano is the integral promotion of the Roma community, on the basis of respect and support to cultural diversity.
This mission is oriented towards promotion and social change to allow Roma people access to rights, services, goods and social resources on an equal footing with the general population.

We understand Integral Promotion as the process through which a person or a group manages to overcome the set of factors that are the cause of their situation of exclusion or social disadvantage. When we talk about exclusion, we are talking about multidimensional processes for each group (family, community, etc.), but also for each person.

Therefore, the responses to situations of exclusion must also be multidimensional and aimed at tackling the different unresolved conditioning factors that limit the social and economic development of the Roma community, proposing mechanisms that compensate for inequalities, make it possible to acquire the category of citizens with rights and duties, that contribute to the improvement of the social image and cultural and institutional recognition, promoting equal treatment and non-discrimination.

We understand Cultural Diversity as an opportunity for coexistence and interaction between different cultures. This implies, on the one hand, the recognition and promotion of Roma culture and, on the other, openness to other cultures that enable the creation of common and shared cultural spaces.
This mission is oriented towards promotion and social change to allow Roma people access to rights, services, goods and social resources on an equal footing with the rest of the population.

To this end, the FSG develops all kinds of services and programmes that contribute to achieving the full citizenship of Roma people, to promote equal treatment and avoid all forms of discrimination, to improve their living conditions, to promote empowerment and the development of personal autonomy, as well as to promote the recognition of the cultural identity of the Roma community.

FSG has the vocation to influence policies through the elaboration of proposals based on knowledge of reality, by denouncing the non-fulfilment of social rights and discriminatory policies, favouring the necessary alliances for the development of this task.

OUR VALUES. Our convictions and ideals

  • DIGNITY: We believe in the value of people in themselves, in their autonomy, their freedom and their development in conditions that make them worthy of respect. We believe in the dignity of all people irrespective of their ethnicity, gender, wealth, sexual orientation, beliefs, etc.
  • SOCIAL JUSTICE: We believe in a society in which human rights are respected, inequalities are compensated and the most disadvantaged social groups have opportunities for development.
  • EQUALITY: We believe in equality as an embodiment of both personal dignity and social justice. Not only legal or formal equality, but also equality of opportunities in the most important areas of social life.
  • FULL CITIZENSHIP. We aspire for Roma people to fully exercise their rights and obligations as citizens, and for them to lead the processes of change within their own community and actively participate in the construction of a global society.

Our Principles. Standards for our actions

  • Interculturality. We work for interculturality in a society built among all people and cultures with the richness of cultural diversity. A plural society open to mutual enrichment based on knowledge, respect and coexistence.
  • Equal opportunities and non-discrimination: We work for equal opportunities, conceived as a form of social justice that advocates that all people, without discrimination of sex, age, social status, beliefs, sexual orientation or ethnicity, potentially have the same possibilities of accessing social welfare and have the same political and civil rights. In other words, that all people with the same potential capabilities and similar motivation should have equivalent choices in the development of their lives.
  • The guarantee of rights: We develop and demand actions that guarantee the full enjoyment of the rights of Roma in order to achieve their status as true citizens.
  • Co-responsibility and cooperation: We work in cooperation with the different administrations and with other public and private organisations, and we assume co-responsibility in the development of our mission and in the achievement of its objectives. FSG will attend to the general interest and will control the consequences of its decisions in society, promoting, as far as possible, social, economic and environmental progress and the achievement of a fairer and freer society. Non-discrimination and equal opportunities will be guiding principles in all its actions.
  • The participation of the Roma community: Promoting the participation of the Roma community is one of the central axes that shapes the FSG: it promotes their active participation in the internal sphere of the FSG and supports their full participation in the social and political space.
  • Transparency: FSG makes the organisational structure of the organisation public, publicises the actions it carries out and promotes public knowledge of its results, the economic resources invested and their origin.

Fundación Secretariado Gitano Strategic Plan 2017-2023

The FSG's activity will be articulated around 4 main lines of action:

  1. Social promotion.
  2. Defence of rights.
  3. Participation.
  4. Sustainability.

Our goals for 2017-2023

Social promotion

  • Reducing inequalities
  • Better access to employment
  • Promoting school success
  • Fight against poverty and social exclusion
Defence of rights
  • Sufficiently guaranteed rights
  • Advocacy on the public agenda and in society
  • Equality and the fight against discrimination
  • Empowerment of Roma people
  • A more open and intercultural entity
  • Proposal of a model of interculturality to society
  • People committed to the Roma community and to our mission
  • Greater protagonism and participation of Roma men and women
  • A more sustainable financing model
  • Efficient management
  • More private resources and own funds
  • Quality and transparency, signs of our identity